Virtual Math & Science Lab

The Math Lab will enable students to learn by exploring mathematical concepts and verifing facts and theorems.
“Many of the students have a fear of mathematics as they are not able to understand simple concepts. Here, in the Virtual Maths lab, students can play with tools to understand mathematical concepts such as eccentricity of an ellipse, quadrilateral and their construction, etc.
By using the Math lab the child will understand the basic concepts of trigonometry, binary numbers, decimals, etc. The lab will be having exhibits on ancient numerals, place value in ancient India, geometry in Indian art, symmetry, time line, development and probability concepts. The students would internalize and verify the basic mathematical concepts through virtual objects and models.
CBM will provide complete and competent charts, posters, models, etc along with learning aids such as software applications and videos.

The Virtual Science Lab reduces risk, huge expenditure and the trouble of repetition. .
Science education is incomplete without having hands – on learning and studying in scientific laboratories. Laboratories allow students to reflect, discuss and solve real problems that make the teaching and learning of science subject more stimulating and effective. The dynamics of science are creatively explained in our science lab program.
Our range of laboratory equipment, models and solutions add extra dimensions to the whole learning process.
Our science labs are equipped with a very good collection of virtual images and experiments which will help students to understand the topic thoroughly. We provide virtual educational laboratory in subjects such as biology, chemistry, earth science and physics. A wide range of collection
of around 100 + virtual experiments enriches our science lab.